Status Name DisplayName ------ ---- ----------- Stopped AdobeFlashPlaye... Adobe Flash Player Update Service Stopped AJRouter AllJoyn Router Service Stopped ALG Application Layer Gateway Service Stopped AppIDSvc Application Identity Stopped AppMgmt Application Management Stopped AppReadiness App Readiness Stopped AppXSvc AppX Deployment Service (AppXSVC) Stopped aspnet_state ASP.NET State Service Stopped AxInstSV ActiveX Installer (AxInstSV) Stopped BDESVC BitLocker Drive Encryption Service Stopped BthHFSrv Bluetooth Handsfree Service Stopped bthserv Bluetooth Support Service Stopped c2wts Claims to Windows Token Service Stopped CDPSvc Connected Device Platform Service Stopped ClipSVC Client License Service (ClipSVC) Stopped COMSysApp COM+ System Application Stopped DcpSvc DataCollectionPublishingService Stopped defragsvc Optimize drives Stopped DeviceInstall Device Install Service Stopped DevQueryBroker DevQuery Background Discovery Broker Stopped diagnosticshub.... Microsoft (R) 診断ハブ標準コレクター サービス Stopped DmEnrollmentSvc デバイス管理登録サービス Stopped dmwappushservice dmwappushsvc Stopped DoSvc Delivery Optimization Stopped dot3svc Wired AutoConfig Stopped DsmSvc Device Setup Manager Stopped EapHost Extensible Authentication Protocol Stopped EFS Encrypting File System (EFS) Stopped embeddedmode embeddedmode Stopped EntAppSvc Enterprise App Management Service Stopped Fax Fax Stopped fhsvc File History Service Stopped FlexNet Licensi... FlexNet Licensing Service Stopped FontCache3.0.0.0 Windows Presentation Foundation Fon... Stopped gpsvc Group Policy Client Stopped gupdate Google Update サービス (gupdate) Stopped gupdatem Google Update サービス (gupdatem) Stopped hidserv Human Interface Device Service Stopped HomeGroupListener HomeGroup Listener Stopped icssvc Windows モバイル ホットスポット サービス Stopped IEEtwCollectorS... Internet Explorer ETW Collector Ser... Stopped IKEEXT IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules Stopped iPod Service iPod サービス Stopped IpOverUsbSvc Windows Phone IP over USB Transport... Stopped KtmRm KtmRm for Distributed Transaction C... Stopped lltdsvc Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper Stopped MapsBroker Downloaded Maps Manager Stopped MSDTC Distributed Transaction Coordinator Stopped MSiSCSI Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service Stopped msiserver Windows Installer Stopped MSSQLServerADHe... SQL Active Directory Helper Service Stopped NcaSvc Network Connectivity Assistant Stopped Net Driver HPZ12 Net Driver HPZ12 Stopped Netlogon Netlogon Stopped Netman Network Connections Stopped NetMsmqActivator Net.Msmq Listener Adapter Stopped NetPipeActivator Net.Pipe Listener Adapter Stopped NetSetupSvc Network Setup Service Stopped NetTcpActivator Net.Tcp Listener Adapter Stopped NetTcpPortSharing Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service Stopped NgcCtnrSvc Microsoft Passport Container Stopped NgcSvc Microsoft Passport Stopped ose Office Source Engine Stopped p2pimsvc Peer Networking Identity Manager Stopped p2psvc Peer Networking Grouping Stopped PeerDistSvc BranchCache Stopped PhoneSvc Phone Service Stopped pla Performance Logs & Alerts Stopped Pml Driver HPZ12 Pml Driver HPZ12 Stopped PNRPAutoReg PNRP Machine Name Publication Service Stopped PNRPsvc Peer Name Resolution Protocol Stopped PolicyAgent IPsec Policy Agent Stopped PrintNotify Printer Extensions and Notifications Stopped QWAVE Quality Windows Audio Video Experience Stopped RasAuto Remote Access Auto Connection Manager Stopped RasMan Remote Access Connection Manager Stopped RemoteAccess Routing and Remote Access Stopped RemoteRegistry Remote Registry Stopped RetailDemo 市販デモ サービス Stopped RpcLocator Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator Stopped SCardSvr Smart Card Stopped ScDeviceEnum Smart Card Device Enumeration Service Stopped SCPolicySvc Smart Card Removal Policy Stopped SDRSVC Windows バックアップ Stopped seclogon Secondary Logon Stopped SensorDataService Sensor Data Service Stopped SensorService Sensor Service Stopped SensrSvc Sensor Monitoring Service Stopped SharedAccess Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) Stopped smphost Microsoft Storage Spaces SMP Stopped SmsRouter Microsoft Windows SMS ルーター サービス。 Stopped SNMPTRAP SNMP Trap Stopped sppsvc Software Protection Stopped SQLAgent$SQLEXP... SQL Server Agent (SQLEXPRESS) Stopped SQLBrowser SQL Server Browser Stopped SstpSvc Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Se... Stopped svsvc Spot Verifier Stopped swprv Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Prov... Stopped TabletInputService Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Pane... Stopped TapiSrv Telephony Stopped Te.Service Te.Service Stopped TieringEngineSe... Storage Tiers Management Stopped TrustedInstaller Windows Modules Installer Stopped tzautoupdate タイム ゾーンの自動更新機能 Stopped UI0Detect Interactive Services Detection Stopped upnphost UPnP Device Host Stopped UsoSvc Update Orchestrator Service Stopped vds Virtual Disk Stopped vmicguestinterface Hyper-V Guest Service Interface Stopped vmicheartbeat Hyper-V Heartbeat Service Stopped vmickvpexchange Hyper-V Data Exchange Service Stopped vmicrdv Hyper-V Remote Desktop Virtualizati... Stopped vmicshutdown Hyper-V Guest Shutdown Service Stopped vmictimesync Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service Stopped vmicvmsession Hyper-V VM Session Service Stopped vmicvss Hyper-V Volume Shadow Copy Requestor Stopped VsEtwService120 Visual Studio ETW Event Collection ... Stopped VSS Volume Shadow Copy Stopped VSStandardColle... Visual Studio Standard Collector Se... Stopped w3logsvc W3C Logging Service Stopped WalletService WalletService Stopped wbengine Block Level Backup Engine Service Stopped WbioSrvc Windows Biometric Service Stopped WcsPlugInService Windows Color System Stopped WdiSystemHost Diagnostic System Host Stopped Wecsvc Windows Event Collector Stopped WEPHOSTSVC Windows Encryption Provider Host Se... Stopped wercplsupport Problem Reports and Solutions Contr... Stopped WerSvc Windows Error Reporting Service Stopped WiaRpc Still Image Acquisition Events Stopped WlanSvc WLAN AutoConfig Stopped wlidsvc Microsoft Account Sign-in Assistant Stopped wmiApSrv WMI Performance Adapter Stopped WMPNetworkSvc Windows Media Player Network Sharin... Stopped workfolderssvc Work Folders Stopped WPDBusEnum Portable Device Enumerator Service Stopped WpnService Windows Push Notifications Service Stopped WSService Windows Store Service (WSService) Stopped WwanSvc WWAN AutoConfig Stopped XblAuthManager Xbox Live Auth Manager Stopped XblGameSave Xbox Live セーブ データ Stopped XboxNetApiSvc XboxNetApiSvc